
Hactions Speak Louder than Whords

Actions don’t really speak. Let’s just clear that up right now. Those little voices that you may claim to be hearing when you are all alone…those aren’t real. However, everything we do, or don’t do, or do do, communicates something about us (So if you are confused about the last “do do”, I just wanted to write doodoo in a sentence so you would either say it in your head or out loud…preferably out loud). I heard some statistic one time…I don’t remember the percentages but most of our communication is non-verbal. If you think about it, half-infinity people see you every day and never have a conversation with you. However, each of these people conjures up some kind of judgment about you. Part of their judgment most likely comes from the different behaviors we exhibit.

But we don’t really want to dwell on the people that don’t know us. Even the people that know us well communicate with us through non-verbal means. As Ursula reminds us in The Little Mermaid, “And don’t underestimate the importance of body language! Ha!”

Our actions can communicate our feelings very strongly and should correspond with our words. If you punch someone in the face that you hate…well…you might have anger issues…but at least you are getting the correct message across to them. If you smooch them, they might be a little confused when you later tell them that you utterly loathe them. Actions can be the facial expressions we use, the smooches we give, or even the things we don’t do. In a relationship, if Doug fails to tell Lisa that he likes her, Lisa may only be hearing, “He/She hates me.” A little dramatic? Yes. But it happens. I am sure you can think right now of 435 examples of a situation similar to this one.

So back to my main point of writing this whole bloggy post… Make sure our actions and our words coincide so that the message is clear. If relationships are started with honesty, I feel like it is easier to continue on the honest path to awesomeness…and when I say “awesomeness,” I mean success.

Honestly, this post took me forever. I started over a couple times, then when I was almost finished I accidently deleted it... So I had to tell my computer my true feelings. Have no was for the better. And now I have to go apologize to my computer.

Your Amigo,



Not to be outdone by our adoring public, this shark boy recently followed the advice of his aquatic friendly. I encourage you to do the same. Team honest sure has some perks!

I am almost certain that you were surprised to discover that Alex has friends that have been dead for over 221 years. I believe you should refer to "Obsession pt. 2" and his "Dino-buddies." That might clear up the confusion, or perhaps leave you pleasantly confused.

Time to call out the sea dogs..

Honesty is more than not lying. It is truth telling, speaking, living, and loving. The average fish would agree that being honest would include not stealing. However, even a fellow shark can be ensnared in an even more pernicious form of thievery.

The sweet swan of Avon once quilled the following:

Who steals my purse steals trash; ’tis something, nothing;
’Twas mine, ’tis his, and has been slave to thousands;
But he that filches from me my good name
Robs me of that which not enriches him
And makes me poor indeed.

Othello, act 3, scene 3, lines 157–61

When is the last time you participated in a conversation that tore at the good name of someone else? Are we otherwise docile beasts who transform at the slightest taste of someone else's blood in the water? (That might have been a bit gruesome, but I believe it conveys the sentiment accurately.) (Also, please do not falsely conclude this is a vampire reference. We put those beautiful bloodsuckers behind us DAYS ago!)

Isn't it odd how material theft is the primary concern of humanity? Or should we say materialism and leave it at that?

There are far too many people who need character building to waste time tearing others down.

And so the invitation for us stands: Next time you see these elusive thieves going about their business, call it out. Send them home empty handed. As with so many other things in life, learning how to be honest about material things is only the first tiiiiny baby step towards genuine, disciple-esque honesty.

Your friendly shark boy,




News Flash: We're all a bunch of liars!
A good friend of mine once said: "Half the truth is often a great lie." That friend: Benjamin Franklin. The whole truth, and nothing but the truth, or it ain't really that true. ask any judge.
I was recently in a situation which is far too common a situation, I think. Talking of matters of the heart with a lady, I realized that I was strategizing what I was going to say based on the type of reaction I thought it would evoke. Withholding some feelings, exaggerating others. Plotting and planning my next moves as if by a secret playbook. Like I was in a competition... on the offensive... the ball in my court, I needed to hit it hard and good, perhaps with a little bit of spin. That way I can win! right? I kind of felt like a spy, too; keeping the intel safe from the enemy... this enemy I secretly wanted to smooch on.
Does anyone else see the problem here? Am I too presumptuous in thinking that I'm not the only one who does this? Do we not often refer to courtship (the most morally applicable social dynamic, in my opinion) as "The Game"? Competition and honesty seem mutually exclusive to me. Of course, I'm sure if I prove whatever point I'm trying to make in any of these situations, she'll fall for me. 'Cause when someone proves me wrong, all I want to do is smooch 'em!

This Just In
: We should be more honest with each other.
Like another one of my good friends once said: "Honesty is the best Ponesty." He wasn't much for slant-rhymes, I guess.
I'm tired of playing on the opposing team of the very people I'd also like to smooch. And no, I'm not considering that type of team-swap. Same team, but I still plan on playing a different position. Get your mind out of the gutter and consider this: Isn't it much more likely to get a bum-slap from a teammate than an opponent? I'm talking about the team of honesty! It's time we start saying what we feel even when it's uncomfortable. Babes love dudes with feelings... or so they tell me. Of course, this goes for the girls too. Dudes appreciate honest feedback and reciprocation.
A caution for all of us: There are always exceptions. Some things should be kept to ourselves. This ain't no invitation to say everything you think without any filtration just because the Shark Boys told you you could. Saying everything you feel might be uncalled for and a little creepy. But that doesn't mean that creepy is always bad, for, creepy turns into cute when it's successful. Just remember the Golden Rule: Creep onto others only as much as you would be creeped upon. And here's a little rule that will keep your honesty honest: Be honest for the other person's sake, not yours.

This post's challenge: The next time you think something nice and no more than mildly creepy about someone, but hesitate for comfort's sake, say it... to that person. Report back once you've completed your task.

Your buddy... watching you through your window... right now...,


Obsession cont.

Fear not kindred blog following spirits! I intend to provide the emotional cut of cold steak for those painful shiners. I know. You have probably just finished taking down your life sized Jacob and Edward cutouts, called the cable company and told them to discontinue sports center, and have determined to never discover who receives that final rose. We award you 50,000 shark points for your herculean effort. (Unfortunately ladies and gents, even Hercules himself probably could not have stopped reading this blog. I guess we will all deal with that obsession later.)

Congrats! You have just finished the easiest part, and you have the emotional bruises to prove it! I'm sure Brother Norris is smiling down from Ranger heaven.

In the words of Metroman, "Lets get real for a minute."

If we ask ourselves to list three things that we should give up in order to become better, I'm confident that it would take us almost no time (we did just earn a load of shark points after all.)

Then if its so easy to list these things, what holds us back?

Elder Dallin H. Oaks said, "We should remember that righteous desires cannot be superficial, impulsive, or temporary. They must be heartfelt, unwavering, and permanent. So motivated, we will seek for that condition where we have overcome the evils of [our lives] and lost every desire for sin."

Remember that list we just made in our minds? Those are our righteous desires! This is why real hope and faith is essential to our making lasting change in our lives.

To quote Atlas himself, "move over hercules." The effort required to relinquish obsessions/addictions is nothing to shake a stick at. But lets just keep in mind who we are serving, and I promise the burden will be lighter.

Adieu from your friendly neighborhood blogger,



obsessions pt.2

Whoa... alright. I don't know about you guys, but I'm seriously reevaluating my life right now. Some of those jabs gave me emotional shiners. Looks like my Twilight obsession will have to take a back seat to... to... Oh, I just can't! How could I possibly get this face out of my mind?!

Am I right ladies?!

Ok, that's enough. gross. I'm sorry. Now I feel sticky, and super mommy.
I was at D.I. the other day, and the woman in front of me at the checkout had a stack of books, the top of which was entitled "I want a Texas Ranger" and it had a picture of a cowboy with his shirt off. Blech! that gives me the jibblies!... a-jibbly-jibbly-jibbly... She was even wearing a wedding ring! how can anyone even justify that? I don't care how much you want a Texas Ranger, if his name ain't Walker, there's no excuse. Besides, he would never stoop to the level of romance novels. Trust me, we're buddies. he told me... and then he ripped a romance novel in half. through the pages.

What's funny to me is when people talk about their obsessions as if they're proud of them:
"no seriously, if I don't have my Diet Coke, I'm such a grumpy-head, like all day. it's so funny!" know who you are.

Well done, Chris! No punches held.

I'll close with my obsession confession. It might be healthy for you to do the same in the comments.
-I am obsessed with dinosaurs. Sometimes I neglect real people because I feel like all I need are my Dino-buddies. Recognizing the problem is the first step. take it with me.

Your real-life buddy,


This post is intended to be a change from the joviality of the previous posts. Although popular demand might not agree with this change, I want to prepare of audience for the emotional rollercoaster that we would like for you to experience along with us.

One of my fears for starting a blog was that I would initially become obsessed, writing long posts and including pictures of every event of my life. It would without a doubt be added to the list of 4 or so websites I feel a need to visit each time I enter the wide, wide world of webs (oh blessed facebook). However, the bigger fear I had was that the blog obsession would follow the pattern that most of my obsessions follow - the initial onslaught of effort put forth shortly followed by a period of neglecting, or possibly forgetting completely, the once beloved obsession. Obsessions that don’t fade away are a 9-letter word known as an addiction (the “9-letter word” part is not too significant, so don’t get stuck on that).

Obsessions, of course, take on many shapes and forms. The idea of blogging is just a good example to start with, for obvious reasons (if these reasons are not apparent, please consult the same physician as before). A prime example of obsessions is seen in the frozen yogurt industry, a.k.a. “froyo”, for the younger, hipper crowd. There are approximately half infinity frozen yogurt places in Provo, UT. Another obsession is seen with girls and their desire for diet coke (this one might be an addiction as opposed to an obsession) – “jab”. Another is boys and their sports (this one I will defend to the death – try me). TOMS shoes, Abercrombie & Fitch (an obsession for some people probably 10 years ago), World of Warcraft, anything from Anthropology, Words With Friends, shool, Michael Low, Angry Birds, The Bachelor, aspects of the dating life - I could keep this list going for days, and I will, but not here.

Everyone has his or her favorite obsession(s). I don’t believe there is a magical formula to decide whether a specific activity or thing is an obsession. However, I do know some signs of having an obsession – it consumes your life, you can’t live without it, you can’t go a full day without doing it, etc. (This excludes all things that you should do or have every day).

I have a neighbor. He says the following (roughly quoted), “I don’t have time. I am just so busy.” Come to find out he spends roughly 6 hours per day playing video games. It also doesn’t help that the poor boy has very poor social skills and little awareness of others, but that is a discussion for another time.

There are 2 words that helps me in life: priorities and balance…and smart choices…and smart buying…and practicality…and adventure, too….and some good leisure time. Well, I don’t really know completely where this is going, but it helps me to keep my life in check every once in a while. In the end, I have to ask myself…if Michael Low were here, would he do this?

Tu amigo,



A blog for the people pt. 2

I'm not sure how much i can add to this one. I didn't really contribute to the comments... at all! granted, her foot is not a face... I just assumed she missed the memo. However, that is a pretty big foot! scroll down and take a second look. it may actually be a mask. who knows? If that's the case, joke's on us.

If you'd like to know a little about Michael K. Low, I'm sorry the wide, wide world of webs still ain't big enough to capture MKL in all his splendor. That's why he neither has a facebook nor footbook page. Smelling chocolate cake without being able to have a taste is just mean. I'll give you a waft, but I'll use two popular tv/film personalities which will describe his personality, physique, and charisma better than words could (and because he doesn't have facebook to steal pictures from.) He's kind of a mixture of these two fellows:

Any questions? If some of my descriptions above led you to believe he was a black man, I'm sorry. But that still wouldn't be too far from the truth (you should see this kid play basketball.)
if any of you were offended by my racial stereotypes, get over it; this blog brings it hard and fast. no reservations.
That's all you're getting from me. If you'd like it straight from the source, and are willing to give it up to 10 tries since I promised I wouldn't put his full number on the wide, wide world: 801-380-464# (trust me, it's worth the discomfort)

Yikes! I gotta go-- He's on to me!
